1. Install Ruby
+ visit rubyinstaller.org/downloads/
+ download Ruby 1.9.3-p545
+ download Ruby Development Kit repectively
(Notes: in order to run Selenium Ruby smoothly on both Win7-32,
and win7-64b, user should select Ruby stable version 1.9.3)
+Now we install ruby
+Set Environment Variables to ruby.exe for reuse later
2. Install Ruby Devkit
+ Extract devkit package to C:\DevKit
+ Open cmd, cd to C:\devkit
+ run: "ruby dk.rb init"
+ Open file config.yml to make sure it contains the
root directories to C:\Ruby1.9.3
+ run: "ruby dk.rb install"
3. Gem installation
Install some basic gem such as:
+ activesupport
+ selenium-client
+ selenium-webdriver
+ rspec
+ capybara
(Note: we can open many command line to install gem)
4. IE webdriver installation
+ Search and install IE driver from google
+ Locate IE driver in C:\Windows\system32
(Notes: if you want to run automation test on Chrome browser,
just download Chrome Webdriver with the same step as IE driver.
Selenium support Firefox driver, so you don't need to download
FireFox driver)
5. JetBrain RubyMine installation
Install RubyMine editor to write your script. User can use evaluation version for 30 days.
After user has downloaded and install RubyMine, open it and make some default setting.
DONE!!! You've installed all neccessary softs need for your developing selenium ruby script.
Visit my video on Youtube for more details.